Friday, February 27, 2009

On Fridays

Everybody seems to look forward to Fridays. It doesn't matter who you are, there seems to be some reason that the last day of the week means something. For me it means I get paid. I work various hours at a grocery store so I do not have the luxury of Monday thru Friday work week. No I never know what days I get off. Sometimes the weather makes peoples favorite day of the week a little wet. I love the rain, it doesn't matter when it happens. However for it to happen on a Friday just seems to make me really happy. I love it, right now as I sit here typing I can hear it pattering outside my front window.

For the majority of people Friday means they have made it to the end of another week. They dont have to see their boss for two days, well unless they are married. Then they have to spend the next two days with 'The Boss' so to speak. LOL

Now we are moving into warmer weather so weekends will be spent working in the yard. There is nothing like getting back together with mother nature. We have spent all winter inside hiding from father winter and Jack Frost and now finally we get to go outside and explore the wonderful world of the out doors. Spring being the most beautiful of them all.

With spring everything is new. All the colors and tenderness of the plants. All vibrant and beautiful. New shoots and blossoms. The birds will be returning in droves. Most of these things I will observe from the front windows of my store. Hopefully I too will get a chance to be in the outside and look for the gnomes and fairies that I am sure live beneath the newly sprouted flowers and plants. For now I will stop rambling and catch up on Survivor and Lost from this week while I was at work.

Till Next Time....... :->

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On comming off of vacation

Its an interesting thing going back to work after being on vacation. You get that feeling of being the new guy. See you have been gone for a week or so and their lives continued on without you. Your out of the loop and for a day or so lost in conversations. I did this yesterday, went back after being on vacation since the 15th of this month. Ten days on vacation was just what I needed to recharge my batteries. People were talking around me about all kinds of things and didn't notice that I was taking notes and trying to keep up.

I am going back for day 2 this morning. I like it, but after ten days off I am starting to think if the lottery or some rich man came along I could get use to being home. Doing whatever I want when I want. That's it for now..........

See Ya!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

There are days it should not rain

Why is it that the 'Great Power' above must make it rain on sunday? Why is it that all week long you have no rain and then boom rain. Sunday is Race Day......... everyone knows this........Even The Clouds! I wish someone would tell the rain drops that even though they like to follow the race isn't a very good idea.....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day Two of the rest of Forever

Ok, so here it is. Day two of blogging, I just wish I knew what to blog about. Maybe the crazy weather. How about the uncaring, unhurried way of the native creatures we call teenagers? What we as adults find imperative and urgent they never seem to find it all that important. Oh to be the age I am and still have not a care in the world.........

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This is the first

Here I am blogging and well, what is blogging? Isn't it just typing?